Addiction program

by Centro Biocel

This program was born from the need to urgently have encouraging and non-mediatic results, that we can provide the patient with quality of life and that the possibility of cure is possible.

What does it consist of?
This program is comprehensive. It consists of the administration of tabernante iboga orally, during a three-day stay or internment in our clinic, then we proceed to perform 20 sessions of trans-cranial neuronal electrostimulation or TMS.
Program complementation
It is also complemented with cognitive behavioral psychotherapy on an outpatient basis, being able to take these sessions in person or remotely. General purification or cleaning of heavy metals is recommended, with the administration of chelations. These chelations are administered intravenously every week for 10 sessions.

Addiction program

by Centro Biocel

Compared to traditional methods, at Centro Biocel we have a comprehensive program to treat addictions holistically with methods and therapies that DO NOT harm your immune system.

Other treatments that enhance the previous therapies and are part of
our Addictions program
Treatment based on active principles of polyphenols (curcuminoids, quercetin, resveratrol, etc.)
They aim to block internal signaling of tumor cells, causing malignant cell death.
Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are also two entities that benefit from intravenous herbal medicine, since in the case of curcuminoids, they have an anti-inflammatory and immune regulatory effect. It is also used as anti-agin or anti-aging due to its powerful antioxidant effect.

Chelation is used to remove heavy metals, which accumulate, due to the chronic use of synthetic drugs. This is accomplished through serums with chelating agents applied weekly.

Most of the toxins that are introduced into our body, whether inhaled or intravenous, so cleaning the colon helps both the colon and the liver work better or avoiding chronic diseases, including cancer.

Ozone therapy has multiple applications, used rationally it has multiple health benefits. It must be administered by professionals with experience in this field.

It depends on the dose, depending on the objective that is sought.

Currently, sites are known that are more active in patients with addictions, which are responsible for addictions, which is why TMS helps to stabilize them, with the benefits of reducing anxiety and avoiding relapses, as well as reducing obsession, anxiety and depression.
Ayurveda is the name of the traditional and alternative medicine of India and has as a common goal the unification of body-mind and spirit.
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