Theraphist Adriana Ramírez
Ayurveda Medicine Specialist
I am Adriana Ramírez Cota and I studied Industrial Engineering.

The life of a mother has taken me along different paths and that is why today I am also a therapist in Ayurveda medicine, colon hydrotherapy and food coach.

My biggest motivation for getting closer to Ayurveda and the Food Coach Diploma has been especially my daughter, who was born with a stroke and who also lives with an autoimmune disorder.
About Me
I am part of the team at Centro Biocel, which has allowed me to help recover both physical and emotional health in many patients through the therapies in which I specialized and that are focused on balancing ourselves in the physical, emotional and spiritual aspect through organic detoxification practices and dietary changes.

Hand in hand with my husband we have worked to recover his mental, physical and emotional health using different types of therapies.

Today more than ever I believe that conscious choices make us benefit from everything that is within our reach.
Adriana what its your speciality?
I am a Specialist in Ayurveda Medicine and a Health Coach
What are your expertise areas?
  • Ayurveda Medicine
  • Colon hydrotherapy
  • Food coach
  • Nutrition
  • Complementary Therapies for Cancer
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