Chemical Daniel Murillo
Pharmacobiologist Chemist
Originally from Baja California, outstanding from an early age in biological areas, especially in biology and also in sports areas such as athletics and basketball.

At the end of high school, he decided on the clinical and pharmaceutical area when he entered the degree as a biologist pharmaceutical chemist at the Faculty of chemical sciences and engineering of the Autonomous University of Baja California with the specialty branch in pharmacology.
About Me
Upon finishing his professional studies, he entered the Master of Science with a specialty in Biotechnology, during which he focused on the research and development of new drugs from natural products such as plant extracts and marine microalgae.

During the development of the master's degree, he specialized in the use of molecular biology tools, as well as in the development and use of cell cultures to carry out biological tests in search of compounds with therapeutic capacity at the Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education of Ensenada, CICESE.

At the end of the master's degree, he focused on the pharmaceutical industry mainly in the area of ​​quality control in the development of pharmaceutical products in the private sphere.

He is currently in charge of the leadership of the areas of blood component management and clinical analysis in a public hospital, as well as working as a teacher at the university level, giving lectures to medical students.
Daniel what is your speciality?
I am a Specialist in Biotechnology and Pharmacobiology Chemistry
what are your expertise area?
  • Development and use of cell cultures and Biotechnology
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