Detox Program

By Biocel Center

Everyone exposes their body to toxic substances that can impair their well-being or long-term health.

This detoxification program includes complementary individual therapies that help our patients get rid of toxic substances from the environment and free radicals.

Detox Program
It consists of multiple therapies, such as colon hydrotherapy, ozone therapy, Ayurvedic medicine, chelation and homotoxicology.
The objective of this program is the general sanitation of our body, achieving balance in mind, body and spirit.
Treatment duration
Detox Program, has a variable duration depending on the degree of intoxication of the body and added diseases of each patient. They are personalized and highly effective therapies, where we use tools without side effects and with high effectiveness.
Detox Program
by Centro Biocel

Compared to traditional methods, at Centro Biocel we have a comprehensive program to detoxify your body holistically with methods and therapies that do NOT damage your immune system.

Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine
Ayurveda is the name of the traditional medicine of India and its objective is the unification of body-mind and spirit.

Chinese Medicine uses plants of Chinese origin and acupuncture, to improve and assist in treatments, highly effective in problems such as pain, addictions, migraines and different diseases, which have an energy imbalance as a basic alteration.
  • Get rid of all the accumulated toxins like fats, alcohol, toxins.
  • Improve your intestinal and digestive health.
  • Clean all the impurities and toxins accumulated in your intestine.
  • Ideal for people who suffer from constipation, colitis, poor digestion and any related condition.
  • Detoxification of heavy metals that are pre-carcinogenic,
  • Anti Oxidant and improves circulation and purification of the purifying organs, in addition to improving arterial circulation.
Treatments that are part of
our Detox program

Detoxification of heavy metals that are pre-carcinogenic, antioxidant and improve circulation and purification of the purifying organs, in addition to improving arterial circulation.

By helping to cleanse the colon, we improve energy performance, which is necessary to combat chronic diseases such as cancer. In addition to removing waste from chemotherapy and improving intestinal conditions.
Use of phytotherapy, intestinal detoxification and relaxation therapies for mind, body and spirit balance.
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