Plasmatrohn® Scalar Waves

Scalar wave treatment for the future of oncology medicine and chronic degenerative diseases

What is Plasmatrohn® ?

Plasmatron is a German device that works with scalar waves, which is used to treat different diseases, including cancer. It has applications in at least 100 diseases, such as acute and chronic infectious diseases (including Lyme disease), autoimmune, inflammatory and cancer. Plasmatrohn® is able to create a resonance field specific to cellular frequency parameters inducing coherent cellular communication.
How do scalar waves work on different diseases and improve your life?
Scalar waves are waves of frequency and voltage, capable of penetrating your body.
The effect it has on cells is the rearrangement of their frequencies and thus generate perfect functioning, that is, it reprograms the cells.
In cancer cells, it acts on mitosis (affecting their growth or cell division).

How are scalar waves selective about the cells to be treated and cancer cells?

The electromagnetic field of healthy and cancerous cells is already known, as is the perfect frequency of a body. Under these concepts, the voltage intensity and frequency necessary to treat different pathological entities are applied.

Frequently asked questions

These are some of the most frequently asked questions our patients ask us about Plasmatrohn®
  • How many sessions do i need?

    It depends on the evolution of the disease, but it is recommended to apply it for a month and re-evaluate to continue or to make adjustments to the program if necessary.
  • Are there contradictions?

    Yes, but only in patients with pacemaker implants, since being an electromagnetic field, it could discharge the generator battery.
  • Does it have side effects?

    No, there is no side effects
  • How effective is it?

    Many patients with stage IV cancer have been reported and documented to be cured within 6 months of treatment with Plastamtrohn®.
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